Wednesday, October 10, 2012


It was a very good day today....
Today I saw our little one again.  S/he has grown perfectly and the heart rate was 145, also perfect.  While in the picture the baby looks just like a blob on the screen we could see the baby wiggling and moving.  I had to hold my breath and be so still in order for us to be able to get the heart rate because with me moving and the baby moving it was almost impossible to get!  Still, we managed and what a beautiful sight it was. 
I never cease to be amazed by the miracle of life.  I have had so many ultrasounds and each one of them makes me catch my breath.  To see that tiny life growing and living in me is almost more than I can wrap both my mind and heart around!  I am so thankful that God is letting me participate in this miracle for one last time. 
I have to say that today made my day.  To know that our little one is giving it's all to survive makes me that much more determined to do all I can to help bring him/her into the world.  There was never a doubt what I would do but to be honest I felt like I might be fighting a losing battle.  The thing is, we may still lose, but I know we will both fight our hardest and that brings me comfort. 
I am praying so very hard that we both make it through this pregnancy.  I can think of no greater joy than being able to hold this little one in my arms and know that we both worked so hard and accomplished a tremendous feat. 
My baby is already a fighter.  So am I.  We are going to fight this together and hopefully win!  Even if we don't "win" I know that we will truly have won. 

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