Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Halloween is rapidly coming up and I'm so not ready.  My kids love the holiday and we normally go all out.  The kids keep asking if we can get out the boxes of decorations and costumes so they can go through it.  I'm just not ready for the mess and noise that comes along with getting all of that out.  Still, I know we'll have to do it soon. 

This weekend we also have a youth group Halloween scavanger hunt to go to.  That should be fun.  When we've done it before the kids have had tons of fun and we make some great memories from it.  Savannah and Garrett have been looking forward to it for a while now.  Garrett bought himself a new mask for Halloween.  It's awesome.... very scary!  He can't wait to wear it both on Saturday and at our house on Halloween to scare kids as they come for candy. 

After Halloween is over I know the time is going to start flying by.  Christmas will be here in just 2 months!  I'm going to have so much to do and am praying I won't be put on bedrest before Christmas.  When I was pregnant with William I was put on bedrest.  It made the time before the holiday very hard.  I made the terrible decision to go shopping one day and I still worry and wonder if somehow that made it so that I lost William.  The doctor assures me that it wasn't but still, I can't help but worry about it.  The guilt is sometimes overwhelming.  If I am put on bedrest again I'm not getting up out of the bed for anything, especially to shop.  Hopefully it won't come down to that though. 

Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself.  I need to get through Halloween first.  I still have a week to get ready.... that should be more than enough time!

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